
MDT, Stockholm
Concept and choreography: Klara Utke Acs

Scenography and installation: Tove Dreiman
Creation and dance: Am Ertl, Daniela Escarleth Romo Pozo, Louisa Yaa Aisin and Suvi Kemppainen
Music: Soho Rezanejad

Light design: Christoffer Lloyd 
Hosting performer in Stockholm: Indra Tir Linderoth
Costumes: Tove Dreiman
Sculptural shoes: Puer Parasitus
Costume- and scenography assistant: Karin Tokunaga
Carpenter: Malin Kent
Artistic advice on process and development: Louisa Yaa Aisin
Artistic process in dialogue with: Karina Sarkissova, Rachel Tess and Florence Augendre and Anna Grip
Music mastering: Per Buhl Acs
Press photo: Veronika Vidø edited in collaboration with Tove Dreiman
Producers: Daniel Iinatti, Anne Mette Berg (Dansehallerne) and Masha Kotlyachkova (MDT)
Co-productions: Dansehallerne and MDT
Residencies: höjden studios, Milvus Artistic Research Center, MDT and Dansehallerne
Administration: Interim kultur and Projektcentret
Special thanks to fake daughter, Ana Bernardino, Mona Camara Sylvan, Björn Kiltorp, Jan Edlund, Magnus Östergren and Konrad Lidén
Supported by: Danish Arts Foundation, Swedish Arts Council, Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culture Point and Bikubenfonden
